I’m a hobby potter, that first touched a wheel in the late 70’s during college.
Until recently access to a wheel has been the issue. After getting reintroduced around 6 years ago at Fountain Square Clay Center, downtown Indianapolis, I purchased an Amaco Kick wheel. Around 3 years ago, I moved up to an Amaco Treadle Wheel. After Covid cancelled a class at John Campbell’s Folk Art School, I just purchased a Brent Model C last week with the refund.
The Indianapolis Art Center has a Wood Kiln, that has opened another door. I’m starting a soda fire class in January.
I’m having fun, and with my wife having six brothers and sisters, I have plenty of nieces and nephews to take my practice pieces.
Working through community kilns, having your clay stamps helps spotting my pieces on the bisques and finished shelves.
Thanks again, I’m going to be doing more Raku, that’s the reason for “Not Food Safe”